"A Heavy Heart" ©Lori Kiplinger Pandy
Bronze edition of 33 (15"H x 5"W x 15"L )

I created this bronze sculpture to express the heavy feeling of loss and sadness. We all experience these feelings and to me, this is what it feels like: a cold wind, darkness and shadow enveloping you and stretching before you, an ache in your chest as your heart breaks - an empty hole in the shadow where your heart should be.....

But if you are feeling heartache and loss, it is because you loved. You love.

And with love, there is always healing, always hope.

This hope and healing is expressed through the coloration of the patina. The shadow is dark and sorrowful nearest to her, but as it stretches forward it is touched by the light - and lightest around the hole where her heart would be. This is God's touch - putting light and warmth back into the cold and darkness - filling in the empty hole with light and love once more.


Two Possible Outcomes

