“Bareback Bookworm” ©Lori Kiplinger Pandy
Bronze edition of 20 (17"H x 21"L x 11"W)
In her bare feet and jeans, a young girl reads her favorite book atop her patient and trusting old field horse with her cowboy boots nearby. I sculpted this bronze for all the girls out there who spend their free time drawing horses, reading about horses, daydreaming about horses, working with and for horses and the lucky few who actually own a horse.
I was one of those girls and since I didn't have a horse and my Air Force family didn't allow for one, I traded many hours of stall-mucking, tack-cleaning and horse-grooming in exchange for riding time. I babysat every kid in the neighborhood to earn money for horse camps in the summer. I haven't changed all that much. I still don't own a horse, but enjoy riding, staying at a dude ranch now and then and I even spent a year as a handler for Hearts & Horses therapy riding stables in Loveland.
This table top size bronze is perfect for display in homes, businesses, libraries, schools and riding academies.
"Bareback Bookworm" will also be stunning as a life-size bronze (5' at the withers) for libraries, stables and estate homes. Imagine kids of all ages seeing this sculpture life-sized as they walk into your library or school! Please contact me for pricing and edition sizes of life-sized works.