FMD #51

Today was a check on the progress of the bronze maquette of “Everybody Welcome”. The piece is cast in bronze and is currently being metal chased. Here you’ll see it in the raw, yellow and shiny metal state.

Raw metal of maquette "Everybody Welcome" ©Lori Kiplinger Pandy

Below the metal chaser has the Fannie Mae Duncan sculpture, along with other bronzes in the queue, working on the fingertips. In metal chasing you sometimes need to add bits of bronze back onto the work if there was a scratch, heavy dent or a section that was ground down too aggressively.

After welding comes more chasing using various pneumatic power tools.

Raw metal of maquette "Everybody Welcome" ©Lori Kiplinger Pandy
Raw metal of maquette "Everybody Welcome" ©Lori Kiplinger Pandy

The black granite base has been cut and delivered to the foundry. Once the chasing is complete and the patina added they will attach the bronze to the base screwing it through the stone and into the metal tabs welded onto the bottom of the lily pad.

Raw metal of maquette "Everybody Welcome" ©Lori Kiplinger Pandy
Raw metal of maquette "Everybody Welcome" ©Lori Kiplinger Pandy

FMD #52


FMD #50